
Hand Me Down Quilts

Hand Me Down Quilts

I am so pleased to share that with my daughter’s expertise I have the final proof done for my quilt book titled “Hand Me Down Quilts”.  I hope it will be available by mid-October.  It is not a how-to quilt book but has 14 patterns 

Reiman Gardens Quilt Show

Reiman Gardens Quilt Show

I have jumped in to a new endeavor in the quilting world.  I have to part with some of the fabric and linens that I love to dye.  I will never be able to use it all myself so now to consider how to package 

Another Funky Bouquet

Another Funky Bouquet

Another Funky Bouquet

Every once in a while, especially after having done a lot of precision sewing, I crave the freedom to simply create without a plan. And this is what results! The lace tablecloth was a throwaway, had some tears and probably some stains but since it was ecru those didn’t show. For sure it wasn’t going to be used as is for the dinner table so into the dye bath with experimental color choices to see what comes out. As my husband remarked, it would make good camouflage. But wait, I see a vase and a lot of scrolls and that piece of home décor that was in the same dye tray might be a background. Another funky bouquet is in the works!!

I start pulling fabrics, including other linens I have dyed along with some drapery samples for texture. It takes many auditions of fabrics that I love but just won’t work for whatever it is that I think I want this to finish like. I have included the photo of just one arrangement that was rejected but there were many more!

Finally, coming up with the fabric choices I’m satisfied with I realize the vase doesn’t show up at all. A slubby yarn couched with pearl cotton and then beading to highlight the lines of the vase worked for me. Black embroidery floss, my first thought, was way too prominent and didn’t allow the vase to shine.

My favorite touch on this bouquet was the small tatted motif that I used for the center of one of the flowers. I admire anyone who has mastered the art of tatting, especially with the very fine thread that was used for this circular center. Other flowers were made using portions of the dyed linen/rayon napkins that I find in forgotten boxes at auctions. Sometimes it’s necessary to stabilize the napkins with a fusible tricot but for flowers to be softly dimensional as in this bouquet I do not stabilize and they are still heavy enough to hold their own. (If you have them languishing in drawers consider rescuing them from darkness and repurposing them in a special project, whether dyed or not.)

Funky bouquets may not be everyone’s cup of relaxing tea but for me, I’m now ready to tackle the next “precision necessary” project.


My new program addition for 2022 will focus on floral bouquets, yes, including funky bouquets, and the various techniques, traditional and non-traditional used to make them.

Schedule your program by contacting me at


New pattern available

New pattern available

Gingerbread Friends is my newest pattern now available at Hickory Stick Quilt Shop. Get yours and use your favorite winter wonderland fabrics or make it scrappy using leftovers from winter/Christmas past.

The Penny Dreadfuls!!

The Penny Dreadfuls!!

    As part of my decluttering goal I was reviewing my stack of vintage magazines from the early 1900’s. There was such informative value in them that it became very time consuming. I had to read the ads as well as the articles. I 

three, TWO, one

three, TWO, one

Needless to say I am proud of having my quilt selected for the cover of Quick and Easy Quilts, June/ July issue. It became real when I saw my name in print. I wish my quilting grandmother “could see me now”.

THREE, two, one

THREE, two, one

Great quilting!! Wait til you see the whole quilt, Quick and Easy Quilts, June/July issue.

Spring Tulips

Spring Tulips

Tulip Bouquet I was sidetracked on finishing this project because of another project that had a publication deadline. So here it is a week later, completed except for the beading I want to do. Of course, the beads I want to use are not available 

February/March Inspiration

February/March Inspiration

What a difference a week makes! Living in south Texas during the winter makes one reasonably think of mild temps and sunny days. By now we all know there was a major deviation from that assumption. We were one of the lucky ones who never lost power in our tiny home but had temps set low to conserve and quilts to cover up in for warmth.

My cold week was spent being creative in my sewing room. My artisan dyed wool, vintage linens, lace and fabric combined with bright, cheerful commercial fabric. Process photos and measurements are included in this post so you can think about those scraps and ephemera and how they might come together for you.


Audition your favorite fabrics against the chosen motif and background.

  Start the applique then….

  Audition some more 

Continually thinking creatively and checking arrangement as you applique  is critical in the creative process. The finish will come next week with more details on the quilting.

You might have an orphan block that could come front and center in an arrangement similar to this or it might be a fussy cut motif from your favorite fabric. Play. Create. Enjoy! Watch for the finish photos next week.

Easy, almost healthy dessert

Easy, almost healthy dessert

Easy, almost healthy dessert When you dont want a heavy dessert but need that “something sweet” try this. Works for a snack as well. Heat 8 oz.. cream cheese and 3/4 cup of brown sugar in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Stir after heating