










It was a productive weekend with three days spent helping my daughter refresh her living room, bedroom and kitchen walls. In turn she helps me with my computer needs from printing on oversize fabric sheets to updating long overdue apps on phone and computer. Our internet connection in northeast Missouri is really lacking I realize even more when in Des Moines. I have explored more sites that I can’t regularly access at home. Such fun!!!  I see how addictive it can be.

One of the projects she helped me with was photographing a quilt for entry in a special category at the Houston International Quilt Festival this fall called “Quarantine Quilts: Creativity in the Midst of Chaos”. Don’t know if it will be accepted but it was a fun project, not designed for this event specifically but certainly enhanced by the opportunity to dive into the stash at home and figure out how to use what is on hand.  If it doesn’t get accepted for Houston there is a show at Reiman Gardens in Ames, Iowa this fall that will also provide an opportunity for sharing as I will be vending at that show.








































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